Tanguy Magne

IGL | ETH Zurich


I am a first year PhD student in computer science at the Interactive Geometry Lab (Institute for Visual Computing, ETH Zürich) under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Olga Sorkine-Hornung. Formerly, I obtained a dual-degree MSc at Mines Paris - PSL and École Normale Supérieure Paris-Saclay (Master MVA).

My research interests lies at the intersection between deep learning, computer vision and computer graphics, with a particular interest on geometry. These days, I am particularly curious about the various applications of implicit neural representations.

I’m always thrilled to engage in dialogue about my research and anything within the domain of computer vision and machine learning. Please feel free to reach out to me by email.


Nov, 2023 Our paper UVDoc: Neural Grid-based Document Unwarping was accepted at SIGGRAPH ASIA 2023 and will be presented in Sydney! Check out the IGL project page for details.
Apr, 2023 I just started my PhD at IGL.